

Zaragoza plaza 2, 20007 Donostia
Gipuzkoa, España

Opening hours:

Monday to Saturday

7:00 - 24:00

and holidays

8:00 - 24:00




+34 943 42 59 76

Online parking reservation

We will respond within 24 hours

Maximum height 1,90 m

ITV Inspection

Take advantage of the convenient service we offer to pass the ITV (spanish mot) on your vehicle. Forget about the loss of time of having to spend a few hours passing the technical inspection.
Please, contact us in advance to specify what day suits you best to leave us your vehicle and we will take care of taking it for the inspection in one morning. You can pick it up a few hours later at our garage.
Garaje Norte cannot assure you the inspection will be favorable, since to do so the vehicle must first be able to pass the required tests, as well as have all the relevant documentation in order.

Required documentation

Must be provided on the day of inspection when you drop off the vehicle with us:
  • Circulation permit
  • ITV card
  • Printed bank receipt for vehicle insurance

Vehicle conditions

The fundamental objective of the ITV inspection is to verify that both the general condition and the safety elements of the vehicle are in minimum maintenance conditions that allow this vehicle to continue circulating without representing a danger to its occupants, others or elements found on public roads.
In addition, it is currently also verified that the vehicle meets minimum requirements for respect for the environment.
During the inspection, the general condition of the vehicle is checked, paying special attention to the following points:
  • Polution level, condition and noise of the exhaust pipe
  • Tire condition and depth
  • Lightning and signaling operation
  • Interior condition
    • Seat belt operation
    • Door and window operation
    • Correct seat anchorage
  • Exterior condition
    • License plate status
    • Mirror status
    • Condition of the windshield and wiper elements
  • Correct operation of brakes, suspension and steering system


Zaragoza plaza 2, 20007 Donostia
Gipuzkoa, España

Opening hours:

Monday to Saturday

7:00 - 24:00

and holidays

8:00 - 24:00




+34 943 42 59 76

Online parking reservation

We will respond within 24 hours

Maximum height 1,90 m

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